Starting Family Life as a Spiritual and Physical World Blessed Family > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

Starting Family Life as a Spiritual and Physical World Blessed Family

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작성일2008-05-03 Hit10,676


Workshop for Starting Family Life as a Spiritual and Physical World Blessed Family (Family Start Workshop for Previously Married Couple Blessing Whose Spouse Went to the Spirit World)





May 31 (Sat) - June 1 (Sun)


June 7 (Sat) - 8 (Sun)

*Please attend either the 1st or 2nd workshops. If you cannot attend either of these, please take notice that there will be no other workshops until next year.


Eligible Participants:


1) Members who attended the Spiritual World and Physical World Blessing Ceremony held in April 20, 2008. Also, those members who previously participated in other Spiritual World and Physical World Blessing Ceremony, but have to participate in the ‘Workshop for Starting Family Life as a Spiritual and Physical World Blessed Family’ are eligible participants.


*After attending this workshop, please do the 3 day ceremony and submit your report of starting a family to the Family Department.


2) Those members participated in the ‘Workshop for Previously Married Couple Blessing Whose Spouse Went to the Spirit World’ held last year on November 17 - 18 and November 23 - 24. Also, those members who previously participated in other ‘Workshop for Previously Married Couple Blessing Whose Spouse Went to the Spirit World’, but have to participate in the ‘Family Life Start Workshop for Previously Married Couple Blessing Whose Spouse Went to the Spirit World’ are eligible participants.


*After attending this workshop, please do the 3 day ceremony and submit your report of starting a family to the Family Department.


Material to prepare:

    1) White T-shirts (2 or more)

    2) Donation of Gratitude

    3) FM Radio

    4) Shoe bag

    5) Prepare for a normal 2-day workshop and other personal items you may need.


Points to consider:


1) If the circumstances prevent the person that needs to attend the workshop for Starting Family Life as a Spiritual and Physical Worlds Blessed Family from participating in the workshop, a representative (child of direct descent, spiritual parent or children and church leader?) can participate in his or her behalf.


2) A representative can replace for only one person.


3) The representative can do one’s own ancestor liberation.


Further inquiries:

Telephone: English: +82-31-589-7179 or 7188

                   Korean: +82-31-589-7130

                   Japanese: +82-31-589-7179    

                   Chinese: +82-31-589-7134

Fax: +82-31-585-0886

Email: (International Office)