March Schedule > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

March Schedule

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작성일2022-03-12 Hit4,214


March Schedule
May the blessings and love of our Heavenly Parent and True Parents be with all mission nations.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the 1-Day Workshop for March will be held on March 26 (Saturday) via live online broadcast only.
For members living outside of Korea, Japan and Taiwan, even if they cannot attend a workshop, the grace of Ancestor Liberation and Blessing is the same if they simply submit an application (and offer the appropriate donation) on time. There is no change in the registration procedure. International members may continue to apply for Ancestor Liberation and Blessing via airmail, email, or through the website. We seek your sincere understanding.
A “Spirit World - Physical World Matching Workshop” will be held during this March workshop.

Please note that this official memo is intended for members living outside of Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.

1. Workshop schedule
* The time will be in Korean time (GMT +9) so please note the time difference for your nation and attend accordingly.
Workshop Period Note
4th week of
March 26 (Sat)
13:00 ~ 17:00
Preopening event:
Performances, Testimonies
Part 1: Lecture, Ancestor Liberation.
Part 2: Spirit World - Physical World
Matching Workshop,
Ancestor Blessing Ceremony
1~210 generations: Automatic liberation of 211~430 Generations
will be applied if liberation is completed up to 210 Generations.
211~430 generations: Members who have completed liberation
up to 210 generations can apply by paying the
$25 workshop registration fee.
However, all back payments should be paid first.
1~210 generations: It is possible to bless any set of 7 generations
of ancestors 100 days or more after their liberation.
211~430 generations: It is possible to bless any set of 7 generations
100 days or more after their liberation
40-Day Workshop
Postponed until further notice
* Each country should abide by its government’s COVID-19 preventive measure guidelines.

2. Workshop Attendance Locations

During this workshop, members can participate from their church, church facility, or from their home. However, participation from home is only allowed during this corona pandemic period.

A. Attendance from a church or church facility
1) The following members should attend from a church or church facility.
a) Members experiencing internet or Wi-Fi issues
b) Members who, due to various difficulties, are unable to view the Great Works live broadcast at home (For example; home environment or lack of support from family members).
c) Members with spiritual issues (so that he or she can be safer in the church environment)
B. Attendance from a blessed families’ home
1) In the family, those attending can clap and pat their own body to separate spirits from it during the Chanyang session but it should not be done to other individuals.
2) Items to prepare at home:
a) True Parents’ official portrait picture
b) Hyojeong Won (Recommended)
c) Holy Robes (Recommended for members participating in the Ancestor Blessing)

3. Workshop Participation

A. Method: Members can access the link from the homepage on the day of the event. (
B. Sharing or recording the event is not permitted.

4. Ancestor Liberation and Blessing

A. For the ancestor liberation, please offer a 21-day condition of devotion (breakfast fast or 50 bows), regardless of the number of generations you are liberating.
B. Ancestors who have become absolute good spirits will go to their descendant’s home 40 days after the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony. It is appropriate to conduct a simple welcoming ceremony for them.
C. International members can continue to apply for Ancestor Liberation and the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony via email, letter, or website account from their countries. More information can be found on the training center’s homepage.

5. Spirit World - Physical World Matching Workshop

A. Age Standard: 60 years and above. If you are unable to participate due to illness or old age, a direct descendant, a spiritual parent or child, or someone in a position of spiritual responsibility, may participate with your photo. However, one representative can only represent one person. (One person cannot represent many people.)
※ If you have a serious ailment and have difficulty even to stand up, then for special circumstances where it is difficult to receive the Blessing on earth, you may ask for permission from the Blessed Family Department to apply for the “Spirit World - Physical World Blessing” at the age of 48 and above.
※ If you or one of your family members have a serious disability (physically or mentally) and you or they sincerely wish to receive the Blessing, then you may ask for permission from the Blessed Family Department to apply for the Spirit World - Physical World Blessing even under the age of 48 as well.
B. Eligible Participants
1) If you have received the Single Person Blessing and have received the benediction (Blessing prayer) for the “Spirit World - Physical World Blessing” from a church pastor (If you do not wish to be blessed with anyone other than with your deceased spouse, or if you are in the situation of having been single all your life or were divorced and are unable to receive the Blessing with a person on earth, you can receive the Single Person Blessing.)
2) If your Blessing was officially broken and you are in the situation of being unable to receive the Blessing with a person on earth (This only applies if you do not have any blessed children or children that received or would receive the Blessing.)
3) If the couple received the Blessing on earth but the spouse passed away during the separation period before they could do the three-day ceremony (In this situation, 140 days after the matching workshop they may participate in the Workshop to Begin Married Life. In this case they will not be a Spirit World - Physical World blessed couple but according to their original Blessing status.
C. Level of Faith
The person must be willing to participate in the Three-day Ceremony with the spiritual spouse after receiving the Spirit World - Physical World Blessing. Also, they must have a basic understanding of our church faith (Sunday service, lifestyle, prayer life, etc.) A would-be participant’s level of faith must be evaluated and approved by the responsible pastor of his/her church.
D. Gratitude Donation for Liberation
1) You must liberate the spirit of your spouse
- If you have already liberated your spouse in a past workshop, then you do not need to apply for his/her liberation again.
- Even if you offered a pre-cremation report, you still need to register for your spouse’s liberation. (Offering the pre-cremation report does not mean that your spouse was liberated.)
2) If you are getting blessed with your deceased spouse, and your direct descendant already liberated the first 7 generations of his/her father’s ancestral line and paid the full donation and your spouse was included in the first 7 generations at the time, then you do not need to apply for the liberation again. If your spouse passed away after your descendant completed liberating their first 7 generations, then they need to have applied for “persons who passed away after registering for liberation” for the spirit of the spouse. However, if the descendant did not complete the payment of the fees for the liberation of the first 7 generations of his/her father’s ancestral line, then you will need to liberate your spouse separately with the full liberation donation for a collateral liberation. (In this case the donation will not be counted toward the descendant’s unpaid fees for the liberation of the first 7 generations of his/her father’s ancestral line.)
3) Even if you are not being blessed to someone that you were married to before, you will need to liberate the spirit of your Blessing partner with the full collateral donation.
4) If you had more than one spouse that passed away, it is best if you can liberate all of them.
E. Things to Prepare: If a representative is participating in your stead, please have him or her prepare your photo. (It should be large enough to see your face.) You do not need a picture of the deceased spouse.

6. The workshop scheduled on March 26 will be conducted by HJ CheonBo Training Center staff members. International and Japanese members, including students residing in Korea, are respectfully asked not to attend.

7. All donations sent either via bank wire transfer or by check should arrive by March 16, 2022 as this is the deadline for registration.

8. Members can receive the “Certificate of Completion of 430 Generations in 8 Lines” by applying through the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center website using the account under which they have registered.

9. Further inquiries

A. Contact person: Mr. Ryuichi Kishimoto
B. Telephone: +82-31-589-7177
C. FAX +82-31-584-5787