True Father ascended to the spirit world in 2012 on 7.17 by the heavenly calendar (solar calendar, Sep. 3,) and 13 days later on July 29th by the heavenly calendar (solar 9.15), the Universal Seonghwa of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind was held in a solemn atmosphere at the CheongShim Peace World Center. After going to the spirit world, True Father reorganized the order of spirit world and bestowed great gifts of grace and blessing to the members.

The Universal Seonghwa Ceremony of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (July 29th by the heavenly calendar (solar calendar 9.15), CheongShim Peace World Center)
True Mother also said, The spirit world has changed since True Father's Universal Seonghwa. In light of this change of the spirit world, True Mother emphasized the importance of Ancestor Liberation and witnessing on June 23, 2013.
During the third stage of the CheonBo Providence that started from October 27, 2014, Hyojeong Cheonwon Holy Ground as the actual sanctuary and workplace under the direct dominion of True Parents should become the Bonhyang Won (Original Homeland) for all of humankind. In other words, in this age of heavenly works directly and actually supervised by True Parents, True Father in heaven and True Mother on earth become one and directly grant the great forgiveness of actual grace and blessing
In order to support the heavenly works for the victory of vision 2020 and the settlement of the new Cheon Il Guk age, True Mother said, “Cheongpyeong should return to its original goal. Save family members, nurture family members.” On October 27, 2014, she reorganized the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. True Mother added “From the time of works centered on Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim, we are entering the age of works under True Parents’ direct dominion.”
By the third anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa in 2015, True Father had traversed the spirit world for 3 years and completed the foundation so that he could do heavenly works by directly presiding over Earth and Heaven.
Until the third anniversary of True Father’s Universal Seonghwa, True Mother offered three years of mourning devotions, creating a trinity with True Father in heaven, centered on Heavenly Parent.
After the 17th day of the 7th month by the heavenly calendar in the 3rd year of Cheon Il Guk (August 30, 2015), the third anniversary of True Father’s Universal Seonghwa, True Parents have been opening the age of direct dominion of the spirit world and the physical world. True Father in heaven and True Mother on earth achieved oneness in heart, oneness in body, and oneness in thought, and can advance the providence by directing both the spiritual world and physical world. This established a stable new age of order in the spiritual world since True Father has reorganized the spiritual world for the three years after his ascension.
True Mother spoke a great deal about the changes in the CheonBo Providence three years after True Father’s Universal Seonghwa. In particular, True Mother specifically said, “When it comes to Ancestor Liberation, True Father directly supervises in heaven. From now on, if there is unity with True Parents, there will be miracles. If you invest yourself in prayer and devotion, your problems will be solved. This is possible because the spiritual base is already prepared.” True Mother informed all human beings about the historical changes in the spirit world.
“Make an official letter to the churches around the world so that you can complete the Ancestor Liberation for 420 generations. This will change the world landscape. The ancestors who become absolute good spirits will support with enormous power. The spiritual heavenly works will change the environment.” (2015.04.16, Cheon Jeong Gung)
“Now miracles happen when we become one body with True Parents. Prayer and devotion can allow you to solve the problem on your own. This means the spiritual foundation is now ready. It is time for the spirit world to automatically work, an automatic system was created on the foundation of devotion for 21 years. True Father went to the spirit world and arranged the heavenly and earthly systems completely.” (2015.09.24, Cheon Jeong Gung)
Now that three years have passed since True Father’s Universal Seonghwa, work for returning resurrection to become one with True Parents is very active. Such work of the Holy Spirit shows that new life is born based on the foundation of True Parents through the separation of spirits, Ancestor Liberation, and Ancestor Blessing, which had been conducted during the second stage of the CheongBo Providence. True Parents compared the Hyojeong Cheonwon Holy Ground (where this work is going on) to a womb.
“If you look at the location of Cheongpyeong on a map and compare it to a human body, its position is that of a womb. The womb is where the conception of new life takes place. Cheongpyeong is a place that can change fallen human beings, wild olive trees, into true olive trees. all the people of the world should rush to come here. Therefore, we need to save lives; we need to renew them. people need to know that It is True Parents that will accomplish the providence not some other individuals.” (2015.10.24, Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center)

“If you look at the location of Cheongpyeong on a map and compare it to a human body, its position is that of a womb”
“Since organized system has been established in Cheongpyeong and its status has been elevated, members will be able to have a first-hand experience of Dae Mo Nim’s works, if they offer devotion while being united with True Parents. True Mother is the only person who can carry out the works she does only True Mother. You will be able to be victorious if you harmoniously unite with True Parents in heart, body and mindset.” (2015.12.06, Cheon Jeong Gung)
On August 27, 2015 (7/14 by the heavenly calendar), three days before True Father’s Universal Seonghwa Anniversary, True Mother emphasized that their first and second sons, Hyo Jin Nim and Heung Jin Nim, who had already gone to the spirit world, stood in the positions of Cain and Abel.

True Mother clarified “Heavenly Commander Heung Jin stands at the center of the spirit world right now, but it’s Hyo Jin’s turn to stand in the position to support True Parents as the first son.”

2016.2.11. ‘Enshrinement Service of the portrait of our Hyo Jin Nim ‘the lord who will open the gates to loyalty and filial piety in the garden that opens the way to the deep, wide and lofty realms of heaven
Hyo Jin Moon ascended on March 17, 2008, and his World Seonghwa Ceremony was held two days later at the Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center. During the speech, True Parents explained the meaning of the calligraphic writing, “Shimcheon Gaebang-won Chunghyo Gaemun-ju” (He will open and liberate the deepest heaven and turn it into a flower garden as the lord who opens the gates of loyalty and filial piety), which was bestowed on Hyo Jin Nim. “Shimcheon Gaebang-won” means deep, wide, and infinite garden that can open the spirit world (Shimcheon). And “Choonghyo Gaemun-ju” means devoted child and loyal subject can be the lord of liberation by supporting heaven with the original standard.

“Shimcheon Gaebang-won Chunghyo Gaemun-ju”
Putting Hyo Jin Nim’s portrait in Jeongshim Won initiated a significant change in spiritual atmosphere. Thus, during the “2015 Autumn Cheongpyeong Special Great Works”(10.23-25), the number of members who had spiritual experiences with True Parents significantly increased, and there were many who testified that they witnessed Hyo Jin Nim standing on the right side.
Now the system for Ancestor Liberation is well-organized, bringing more absolute good spirits. The time has come for our members to come to the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center to experience the CheonBo Works. Coming to the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center and joining the Chanyang Yeoksa will give you guidance in your life. The time is now open where spiritual work at the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center is sharing the grace of Ancestor Liberation and Ancestor Blessing under the direct supervision of True Parents.