Ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing is the process of “liberating” ancestors and giving them the “blessing,” just like blessed families on earth.

Father said the following:
● After the fall of Adam and Eve, all human beings came to belong to Satan’s lineage. Ancestor liberation is the ceremony through which we can completely change the lineage of all human beings back into God’s lineage, as completely ideal sons and daughters between heaven and earth, in the name of the True Parents. (January 1, 1991)
● Because the spirits world’s air is made out of love, if you do not prepare your spirit body and go to heaven then you cannot breath. We can breathe air on earth but in the spirit world it is a world of love. That is why you should prepare your spirit body to feel love. If you do not do this then no relationships can be established in the spirit world. This is the problem. It will be bigger. It will take millions of years. (Cheon Seong Gyeong Page.761)
● Most of your ancestors have actually gone to hell. You must liberate all of them. This is the path of the parents, there fore, you must also follow the path of parents. You have the destiny to go to the end. (Cheon Seong Gyeong P.739)

Mother said the following:
● “So as we are celebrating the 1000 day memorial of True Father, I really hope that all of you will be able to liberate your ancestors in the spirit world.
We need to liberate up to 420 generations of our ancestors.
The spirit world has, until this point, followed the fall. It has taken 6000 biblical years to get to this moment. What a long period of time. The spirit world is filled with fallen history. The fallen people do not know God’s providence, but thanks to the True Parents we have received the Marriage Blessing and as Blessed Families, are you aware of the providence, or are you ignorant of the providence? If you are aware of it, my hope then, is that all of you can liberate all your ancestors and lead them to the Marriage Blessing, and I hope you can accomplish this mission of making your ancestors absolute good spirits.
This is the responsibility that you have been blessed with as Blessed Families. Do you understand? That is why we need to expand the good spiritual heavenly sphere, and we do this by increasing the people who are on the side of God, the people who are living centered on True Parents.
This is our blessing, our responsibility. Depending on whether we accomplish this responsibility or not, True Father can expand his influence all over the world and be more active around the world.” (True Mother’s words on True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s 1000 Day Memorial in Las Vegas)
When liberating and blessing ancestors, not only are the ancestors being liberated and blessed, but at the same time, bad connections and influences that we have inherited from those ancestors are being cut off. The descendants are the result of everything that has been passed down through the lineages, both good and bad.
The bad things have been inherited include, Original Sin, Hereditary Sin, Collective Sin, Individual Sin and Fallen Nature. These inherited sins which cause lewdness, infertility, alcohol, smoking and drug addictions, mental disorders, many diseases, as well as fallen natures like jealousy and rage. Through ancestor liberation it is possible to come closer to perfection and cut all the bad connections that we have inherited from our ancestors, and assist the removal of the inherited bad connections.