HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center | HJ천주천보수련원 성지순례

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HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center | HJ천주천보수련원 성지순례

Trainng Center Map

1Calligraphy Stone

This stone has True Parents' calligraphy ‘Cheonseong Wanglim Palace’ which he wrote at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Heavenly Palace on March 10th, 1997. The meaning of the title of the palace is the palace in Heaven that came down on earth.

2Cheonseong Wanglim Palace

On November 7, 1999, the dedication ceremony for the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace was held. It was a historical day when we finally built and offered the palace that Heavenly Parent had wished for 6,000 years.
On this day, True Parents bestowed the calligraphy the ‘Realm of the Fourth Adam on the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven’.
True Parents’ words at the dedication ceremony
"Today, the Chonseong Wanglim Palace is the place where the palace of our heart, family, tribe, people, nation, Heavenly Kingdom on Earth and Heavenly Kingdom in Heaven can become combined together. The Cheongseong Wanglim Palace means the palace in Heaven in which there is a king. You have to know that this palace is the starting point of God’s kingdom which God resides”

On November 6, 1999, True Parents chatting on the rooftop of Cheonseong Wanglim Palace on the day before the dedication ceremony

On November 7, 1999, True Parents planting a tree at the dedication ceremony

On June 30, 2001, True Parents Praying at the 3rd floor of the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace. At this place, they set the schedule for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Gung Museum.

The Coronation of God's Kingship
On January 13, 2001, under the direct dominion of True Parents, the ‘Coronation of God's Kingship’ was held at the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace. Our Heavenly Parent came near us and opened the new era of the direct dominion for us.

The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gate of Cheon Il Guk / The Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth

On June 6, 2002, True Parents officiating Hoondokhae

On February 8, 2005, True Parents matching 2nd generations

December 31, 2001, True Parents talking to 40-day trainees
True Parents have officiated numerous hoondokhae and established the tradition of devotion. In this respect, the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace is the holy ground of True Parents’ teaching and devotion. Even though True Parents are on the hectic schedule for the providence, They made a time to visit the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace and directly gave messages to the 40-day trainees. The Cheonseong Wanglim Palace, the Hyojeong Cheonwon Holy Ground, is the place to inherit the True Parents' tradition of training.

3Tree of Love

[The Tree of Love] The Tree of Love allows us to feel Heavenly Parent’s true love and to restore our lost true love by praying here. From the 100th Cheongpyeong Workshop to the completion of the building of Jeongshim Won (April, 2000), the Evening Prayer had been held every day here. It made people who were desperately longing for Heavenly Parent’s love, resurrected into experiencing the Holy Spirit and deeply feeling the heavenly grace. After that, it was used as a venue for various events.

4Cheonshim Won

The name of the Jeongshim Won (prayer hall) means that; if we pray with our whole mind and heart centering on love, our wishes will be realized with the collaboration of spirit world.

Dedication Prayer for Jeongshim Won (Prayer Hall)

“Please may Heavenly Father bless this place at which all blessed families from around the world visit, and whenever our Church members devote themselves to Heaven, may Heaven's grace and victorious authority be spread all over the world through every church member. So we dedicate this sacred prayer hall as a victorious temple where all people and the spirit world will be liberated. We ask You to receive this offering prayer of the Jeongshim Won. I pray in the name of True Parents.” (April 4, 2000)

On April 4, 2000, the completion ceremony of the Jeongshim Won was held with True Parents. After Their benediction prayer and the ribbon cutting for the celebration, True Parents entered the building to sanctify it with Holy Salt in the order of east, west, north and south.

True parents came to the ‘Exhibition Panel of the 7th Anniversary of the Cheongpyeong Works’, which was held at the Jeongshim Won on January 19, 2002. On this day, True Parents looked around the whole Cheongpyeong Holy Grounds, and They bestowed the title of 'Cheonwon', which means the Garden of the Heavenly Kingdom.

On May 29, 2010, True Mother visited the Jeongshim Won and She bestowed a crystal lamp with Her intention that all members’ mind and body become as clear as crystal and they brightly light the whole world.

5CheonBo Won

On March 27 of the heavenly calendar in the 5th year of Cheon Il Guk (March, 27, 2017), 2017, True Mother visited the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center in the morning. The staff of the training center welcomed True Mother at the Tree of Love. True Mother showed great interest and love as she looked around the 3rd floor of the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace. At the store, True Mother talked about the CheonBo Won, saying that blessed families should fulfill their responsibility on earth and liberate their ancestors so that the spirit world and physical world will be in full cooperation with each other. True Mother said the following:

“We need to get a thousand troops supporting us. Blessed families on earth must fulfill their responsibilities and ancestors in the spirit world must be liberated. We must fulfill God’s dream. In the spirit world, there will be records forever of what your family has done on earth.”

Since then, True Parents have given words many times about the CheonBo Won by emphasizing as follows.

“I told you that you are on blessed ground. You are in the position in which you can become a prestigious family; but a prestigious family can’t be realized at just any time. This family needs to fulfill its loyal and filial duty as Cheon Il Guk Citizens for the next 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations, in front of Heavenly Parent and True Parents.” (True Parents’ address at the Special Meeting for Senior Pastors, August 11, 2016, Cheon Jeong Gung Museum)

“I directed the FFWPU International Headquarters to make a genealogy of the blessed families from around the world. You stand in the center of the providence, so you must fulfill our Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ wishes for one human family. Your achievements and accomplishments will be recorded and handed down as they are. You must put your best effort forward with diligence so that you can boast about our Heavenly Parent and True Parents.” (True Parents’ address at the closing ceremony of Korea-Japan Cheon Il Guk Leaders’ Harmony and Unity Kick-off for the Victory of Vision 2020, October 6, 2016, Yongpyeong Resort)

“I have announced my intention to build CheonBo Won. The CheonBo Won is the place to keep the records of all blessed families and leaders who lived at the same time as True Parents. Your ancestors have been liberated and blessed through you. If you fulfill your responsibility and unite as one with True Parents now, I will have your names engraved at a place where your descendants can praise and esteem you in the future. You need to realize what an honor that is, and what great love is being bestowed on you by the Heavenly Parent and True Parents. However, for this to come to pass, you need to first lead lives that will ensure such a position for you. You need to fulfill your responsibility and translate your words into action. It is not something that you can attain just by sitting still. That is why you should not leave the people who do not know of True Parents as they are. You need to inform them. This is hopeful news for all of humanity. True Parents! Human beings, who are like orphans, have parents after all. Their parent is the Heavenly Parent! How hopeful is this news? Isn’t it? We need to tell them about it. That is why I am asking your parents to fulfill their responsibility as heavenly tribal messiahs, to achieve national restoration. If your parents are not thinking along these lines, you need to teach them. You need to educate them. While True Parents are still alive, there should be one family under God, God’s dream, humanity’s wish, a center. It must be realized while I am still here.”
(True Parents’ address at the Special Gathering for European STF, May 27, 2017, Cheon Jeong Gung Museum)

“Yesterday the HyoJeong Cosmic Blessing Ceremony was held. I created this environment where if you take responsibility then you can be a historical person. You must fulfill your responsibility. I wish you the best, so that you are all eligible to be registered into the CheonBo Won.”
(True Parents’ address at the Dedication Ceremony of HyoJeong Café, September 9, 2017, HyoJeong Café)

6Buheung Department Store

On February 17, 2021, a dedication ceremony was held at Buhyeong Department Store with True Parents in attendance. After True Parents presided over the unveiling ceremony, they sanctified the area and conducted a walk-around.
True Parents named the vicinity around HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center "Buheungmadang," meaning "a place where owls thrive." One of the key facilities within Buheungmadang is Buhyeong Department Store, featuring not only a fashion section but also a food section and a Hyojeong Buhyeong Kids Cafe.

7History Street

On October 22, 2021, on a clear day, True Parents visited the completed History Street and dedicated it to Heaven. They ascended to the observation deck and took commemorative photos with Cheonshim Lake and Hyojeong Cafe in the background. Afterwards, they strolled along the elevated walking path above History Street. Upon descending from the entrance near the roundabout to History Street, they bestowed blessings upon the early works of the Cheongpyeong Holy Ground and admired sculptures such as portraits of Hyo-jin nim and Heung-jin nim installed on the stone walls.

8Hyojeong 1 Marina

On September 9, 2017, a Dedication Ceremony for Hyojeong Cafe took place with True Parents in attendance. Upon arrival at the bridge connecting Hyojeong Cafe and Cheonseong Wanglim Palace, True Parents led the first part of the commemoration ceremony. During this event, they oversaw the unveiling of the foundation stone and conducted other rituals. After ascending to the third floor of Hyojeong Cafe, True Parents sanctified the place before conducting rounding from the third floor to the first floor. Subsequently, at Hyojeong 1 Marina, they held a dedication ceremony for the newly acquired boat, 'Hyojeong 1 Boat', while offering blessings. Transitioning to the fourth floor of Hyojeong Cafe, True Parents hosted the second part of the ceremony, which included a luncheon. During this luncheon, True Parents bestowed blessings upon Hyojeong Cafe with the following cherished words. “Today, you've performed exceptionally well. This place will become a holy ground for people around the world. Individuals from all corners of the globe should visit here. Yesterday, I officiated the Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Ceremony. With the CheonBo Won at its center, I've created an environment where you can truly fulfill your responsibilities and become historical figures. You should strive to do so. Now, I hope that each of you will be qualified to enter the CheonBo Won."

9Hyojeong Cafe

On September 9, 2017, a Dedication Ceremony for Hyojeong Cafe took place with True Parents in attendance. Upon arrival at the bridge connecting Hyojeong Cafe and Cheonseong Wanglim Palace, True Parents led the first part of the commemoration ceremony. During this event, they oversaw the unveiling of the foundation stone and conducted other rituals. After ascending to the third floor of Hyojeong Cafe, True Parents sanctified the place before conducting rounding from the third floor to the first floor. Subsequently, at Hyojeong 1 Marina, they held a dedication ceremony for the newly acquired boat, 'Hyojeong 1 Boat', while offering blessings. Transitioning to the fourth floor of Hyojeong Cafe, True Parents hosted the second part of the ceremony, which included a luncheon. During this luncheon, True Parents bestowed blessings upon Hyojeong Cafe with the following cherished words. “Today, you've performed exceptionally well. This place will become a holy ground for people around the world. Individuals from all corners of the globe should visit here. Yesterday, I officiated the Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing Ceremony. With the CheonBo Won at its center, I've created an environment where you can truly fulfill your responsibilities and become historical figures. You should strive to do so. Now, I hope that each of you will be qualified to enter the CheonBo Won."

10Hanwon House

At the dedication ceremony of Hanwon House held on September 28, 2020, True Parents shared the following precious words: "The reason we named it Hanwon House is as follows: I mentioned that I would demonstrate the form of Heaven on earth, where I plan this Cheonwon garden to realize Heavenly Parent's dream in all fields. So, I've been implementing each plan step by step. When everything is completed, I wanted Heavenly Parent to visit this beautiful land, take a break, look at the mountains and trees, and rest... With gratitude to True Parents who made it possible for people to have this experience of taking a rest, having some tea, enjoying delicious rice cakes, and delicious food... Initially, I thought this place might be a bit small for such a grand Hanwon House to be built, so I considered the concept of a pavilion. But I wanted it to embrace all four seasons. As a result, Hanwon House became a place where Heavenly Parent rests, takes a break, looks at nature, and finds happiness. So, I instructed to erect owls in all directions here. Owls are birds beloved by people worldwide. During the Goguryeo period, they were symbolized as crows, and during the Yi dynasty, they were also represented by magpies. So, there's a children's song called "Magpie, Magpie, Seollal" ('Seollal' being Korean New Year), but during the Era of Cheon Il Guk, owls protect beloved children 24 hours a day, blocking all impurities and bringing blessings. Thus, I named this estate 'Buhyeongmadang'. Therefore, all facilities within, like the dining hall, should bear names like 'HJ Buheung Cafe'. So, Hanwon House is the representative place where True Parents were born for the first time in history and also an eco-friendly building in harmony with nature... Please make good use of it and love it a lot."

11Hanwon Trekking Path

On July 6, 2020, when True Mother visited the Hyojeong Cafe, President Gi-seong Lee offered a prayer for the Ridge Beam Raising Ceremony of the Hanwon House. Afterwards, True Mother expressed joy, saying, “The location of Hanwon House is auspicious, but there is an even more auspicious place above this location. After President Gi-seong Lee shared his observations of various places he had visited, describing how beautiful and wonderful they were, he expressed his wish for True Mother to give them names. In response, True Mother named the places “Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune” and “Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak.” There is a trail from Hanwon House to Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak, but some individuals with limited mobility may find it challenging. Therefore, to make the path more accessible, the staff of the General Affairs Office at HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center worked diligently, carrying on the pioneering spirit of the early days when True Parents directly developed Cheongpyeong Holy Ground, using pickaxes to clear the land. On April 26, 2023, a celebratory event took place at the tranquil summit of Heaven’s Rock along the Hanwon Trekking Path. True Mother extended her blessings to everyone involved, expressing gratitude by saying, "Thank you to everyone who contributed.

11-1Hyojeong Rock

As we contemplate the pathway leading to this Rock, it brings to mind True Mother’s admonition, “Do not be a stumbling block.” Remarkably, this rock, strategically positioned, has gradually taken shape on its own, aligning itself with the path of True Mother. The rock carries profound symbolism within the providence of restoration. True Parents have dedicated much prayer and jeongseong to numerous rocks due to their significant providential role. This tradition traces its roots from Jacob's stone pillow to the water from Moses' rock, the rock of Christ, the summit rock of Mt. Myeongdusan where True Father offered sincere devotion, and the rock of tears at Bumnetgol. Through this trail, one can discern the providential significance it embodies.

11-2Father’s Tree

This tree stands as a birch tree, resonating deeply with Norse mythology where Odin, the god of creation, purportedly fashioned man from the birch tree while strolling along the shore, and woman from the ash tree. In this mythos, the birch tree embodies the paternal, while the ash tree embodies the maternal. Remarkably, this birch tree has intertwined with the rock, finding its niche. Consequently, President Gi-seong Lee likened it to a symbol of Christ on the rock, evoking imagery of witnessing the Father's labor in embracing the world.

11-3Archangel Rock

This site, featuring Heaven’s Rock, Mother’s Tree, and Archangel Rock, is renowned as "the place with the story of Eden." Originally, it lay concealed beneath a dense forest, entangled with kudzu vine and branches. Over many years, it remained undiscovered. Had it not been for Tre Mother's guidance urging us to search for treasures, we might never have stumbled upon it. As we cleared through the thicket, a remarkable landscape began to emerge. The first sight that greeted us was Heaven’s Rock, a poignant symbol of Heavenly Parent, whose fervent prayers are etched into its very essence. Above it stand two ash trees, emblematic of the birth of the Only Begotten Daughter, embodying our True Parents. The roots of these trees, stretching sideways and downwards from the rock, poignantly illustrate the challenges of finding stability and grounding. Their towering presence seems to encapsulate the unwavering determination of our True Parents in guiding the providence of restoration and establishing Cheon Il Guk. Across from Heaven’s Rock, Archangel Rock looms with a solemn countenance. Now transformed into a symbol of the restored archangel, it represents the resolve to overcome obstacles obstructing True Mother's path. It stands as a steadfast support, metaphorically clearing the way for her journey and contributing to the realization of complete freedom and liberation in the Kingdom of God, both on earth and in heaven. On April 26, 2023, a celebratory event unfolded at the serene summit of Heaven’s Rock, dignified by the esteemed presence of True Mother. With grace and reverence, she bestowed her blessings upon all attendees, expressing profound gratitude, "Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this preparation.

11-4Heaven’s Rock and Mother’s Tree

This site, featuring Heaven’s Rock, Mother’s Tree, and Archangel Rock, is renowned as "the place with the story of Eden." Originally, it lay concealed beneath a dense forest, entangled with kudzu vine and branches. Over many years, it remained undiscovered. Had it not been for Tre Mother's guidance urging us to search for treasures, we might never have stumbled upon it. As we cleared through the thicket, a remarkable landscape began to emerge. The first sight that greeted us was Heaven’s Rock, a poignant symbol of Heavenly Parent, whose fervent prayers are etched into its very essence. Above it stand two ash trees, emblematic of the birth of the Only Begotten Daughter, embodying our True Parents. The roots of these trees, stretching sideways and downwards from the rock, poignantly illustrate the challenges of finding stability and grounding. Their towering presence seems to encapsulate the unwavering determination of our True Parents in guiding the providence of restoration and establishing Cheon Il Guk. Across from Heaven’s Rock, Archangel Rock looms with a solemn countenance. Now transformed into a symbol of the restored archangel, it represents the resolve to overcome obstacles obstructing True Mother's path. It stands as a steadfast support, metaphorically clearing the way for her journey and contributing to the realization of complete freedom and liberation in the Kingdom of God, both on earth and in heaven. On April 26, 2023, a celebratory event unfolded at the serene summit of Heaven’s Rock, dignified by the esteemed presence of True Mother. With grace and reverence, she bestowed her blessings upon all attendees, expressing profound gratitude, "Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this preparation.

12Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune

On July 6, 2020, when True Mother visited the Hyojeong Cafe, President Gi-seong Lee offered a prayer for the Ridge Beam Raising Ceremony of the Hanwon House. Afterwards, True Mother expressed joy, saying, “The location of Hanwon House is auspicious, but there is an even more auspicious place above this location. After President Gi-seong Lee shared his observations of various places he had visited, describing how beautiful and wonderful they were, he expressed his wish for True Mother to give them names. In response, True Mother named the places “Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune” and “Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak.” True Mother said, “Anyone who attends Heavenly Parent and comes to Hanwon House to enjoy a cup of tea and then climbs the path will be able to receive heavenly fortune, and the owls will safeguard their heavenly fortune.” She also referred to this place as the “Owls’ Prosperous Garden (Booheung Garden)” while conveying this message. Afterward, President Gi-seong Lee earnestly offered jeongseong, climbing up and down the Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune whenever he had the time, recalling True Mother’s words. One day, while climbing up and down the paths, President Lee came across an exceptionally majestic elm tree that stood out from the others. On November 15, 2020 (the 1st day of the 10th month of the heavenly calendar), after the event celebrating the 61st True Children’s Day, President Gi-seong Lee reported the discovery of that tree to True Mother during a luncheon at Cheon Jeong Gung. In response, True Mother named this tree the “Tree of Hyojeong” as the sixth special tree at the training center, following the Tree of Love, Tree of Heart, Tree of All Things, Tree of Loyalty, and Tree of Blessing. This can be understood as a call to fulfill our mission as filial sons and daughters, emulating True Parents who have led lives of hyojeong. When the Tree of Hyojeong was inspected by Gapyeong County forestry experts, everyone was taken aback with astonishment. That is because using traditional Korean age calculation, the age of Tree of Hyojeong matched True Mother’s age exactly. Indeed, this event can be considered a miraculous occurrence, making it hard not to see the tree as a symbol of True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter. On October 14, 2021, True Mother came to see the tree. On that day, she asked, “I was born in the first month of the lunar calendar. In which month were you born?” She then gave a prayer of blessing on the Tree of Hyojeong, saying, “Those who frequently come to the Tree of Hyojeong and offer jeongseong will experience good health.”

12-1Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak

On July 6, 2020, when True Mother visited the Hyojeong Cafe, President Gi-seong Lee offered a prayer for the Ridge Beam Raising Ceremony of the Hanwon House. Afterwards, True Mother expressed joy, saying, “The location of Hanwon House is auspicious, but there is an even more auspicious place above this location. After President Gi-seong Lee shared his observations of various places he had visited, describing how beautiful and wonderful they were, he expressed his wish for True Mother to give them names. In response, True Mother named the places “Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune” and “Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak.” True Mother said, “Anyone who attends Heavenly Parent and comes to Hanwon House to enjoy a cup of tea and then climbs the path will be able to receive heavenly fortune, and the owls will safeguard their heavenly fortune.” She also referred to this place as the “Owls’ Prosperous Garden (Booheung Garden)” while conveying this message. Afterward, President Gi-seong Lee earnestly offered jeongseong, climbing up and down the Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune whenever he had the time, recalling True Mother’s words. One day, while climbing up and down the paths, President Lee came across an exceptionally majestic elm tree that stood out from the others. On November 15, 2020 (the 1st day of the 10th month of the heavenly calendar), after the event celebrating the 61st True Children’s Day, President Gi-seong Lee reported the discovery of that tree to True Mother during a luncheon at Cheon Jeong Gung. In response, True Mother named this tree the “Tree of Hyojeong” as the sixth special tree at the training center, following the Tree of Love, Tree of Heart, Tree of All Things, Tree of Loyalty, and Tree of Blessing. This can be understood as a call to fulfill our mission as filial sons and daughters, emulating True Parents who have led lives of hyojeong. When the Tree of Hyojeong was inspected by Gapyeong County forestry experts, everyone was taken aback with astonishment. That is because using traditional Korean age calculation, the age of Tree of Hyojeong matched True Mother’s age exactly. Indeed, this event can be considered a miraculous occurrence, making it hard not to see the tree as a symbol of True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter. On October 14, 2021, True Mother came to see the tree. On that day, she asked, “I was born in the first month of the lunar calendar. In which month were you born?” She then gave a prayer of blessing on the Tree of Hyojeong, saying, “Those who frequently come to the Tree of Hyojeong and offer jeongseong will experience good health.”
Then, True Parents relocated to the pavilion at Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak, where they engaged in a dialogue with the executives of the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center, including President Gi-seong Lee.

12-2Mind & Body Healing Spot

On July 6, 2020, when True Mother visited the Hyojeong Cafe, President Gi-seong Lee offered a prayer for the Ridge Beam Raising Ceremony of the Hanwon House. Afterwards, True Mother expressed joy, saying, “The location of Hanwon House is auspicious, but there is an even more auspicious place above this location. After President Gi-seong Lee shared his observations of various places he had visited, describing how beautiful and wonderful they were, he expressed his wish for True Mother to give them names. In response, True Mother named the places “Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune” and “Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak.” True Mother said, “Anyone who attends Heavenly Parent and comes to Hanwon House to enjoy a cup of tea and then climbs the path will be able to receive heavenly fortune, and the owls will safeguard their heavenly fortune.” She also referred to this place as the “Owls’ Prosperous Garden (Booheung Garden)” while conveying this message. Afterward, President Gi-seong Lee earnestly offered jeongseong, climbing up and down the Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune whenever he had the time, recalling True Mother’s words. One day, while climbing up and down the paths, President Lee came across an exceptionally majestic elm tree that stood out from the others. On November 15, 2020 (the 1st day of the 10th month of the heavenly calendar), after the event celebrating the 61st True Children’s Day, President Gi-seong Lee reported the discovery of that tree to True Mother during a luncheon at Cheon Jeong Gung. In response, True Mother named this tree the “Tree of Hyojeong” as the sixth special tree at the training center, following the Tree of Love, Tree of Heart, Tree of All Things, Tree of Loyalty, and Tree of Blessing. This can be understood as a call to fulfill our mission as filial sons and daughters, emulating True Parents who have led lives of hyojeong. When the Tree of Hyojeong was inspected by Gapyeong County forestry experts, everyone was taken aback with astonishment. That is because using traditional Korean age calculation, the age of Tree of Hyojeong matched True Mother’s age exactly. Indeed, this event can be considered a miraculous occurrence, making it hard not to see the tree as a symbol of True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter. On October 14, 2021, True Mother came to see the tree. On that day, she asked, “I was born in the first month of the lunar calendar. In which month were you born?” She then gave a prayer of blessing on the Tree of Hyojeong, saying, “Those who frequently come to the Tree of Hyojeong and offer jeongseong will experience good health.”
The Mind & Body Healing Spot, located between Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak and the Tree of Hyojeong, is where the Mind & Body Healing Program is conducted.

12-3Tree of Hyojeong

On July 6, 2020, when True Mother visited the Hyojeong Cafe, President Gi-seong Lee offered a prayer for the Ridge Beam Raising Ceremony of the Hanwon House. Afterwards, True Mother expressed joy, saying, “The location of Hanwon House is auspicious, but there is an even more auspicious place above this location. After President Gi-seong Lee shared his observations of various places he had visited, describing how beautiful and wonderful they were, he expressed his wish for True Mother to give them names. In response, True Mother named the places “Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune” and “Hanwon Heavenly Fortune Peak.” True Mother said, “Anyone who attends Heavenly Parent and comes to Hanwon House to enjoy a cup of tea and then climbs the path will be able to receive heavenly fortune, and the owls will safeguard their heavenly fortune.” She also referred to this place as the “Owls’ Prosperous Garden (Booheung Garden)” while conveying this message. Afterward, President Gi-seong Lee earnestly offered jeongseong, climbing up and down the Hanwon Path of Heavenly Fortune whenever he had the time, recalling True Mother’s words. One day, while climbing up and down the paths, President Lee came across an exceptionally majestic elm tree that stood out from the others. On November 15, 2020 (the 1st day of the 10th month of the heavenly calendar), after the event celebrating the 61st True Children’s Day, President Gi-seong Lee reported the discovery of that tree to True Mother during a luncheon at Cheon Jeong Gung. In response, True Mother named this tree the “Tree of Hyojeong” as the sixth special tree at the training center, following the Tree of Love, Tree of Heart, Tree of All Things, Tree of Loyalty, and Tree of Blessing. This can be understood as a call to fulfill our mission as filial sons and daughters, emulating True Parents who have led lives of hyojeong. When the Tree of Hyojeong was inspected by Gapyeong County forestry experts, everyone was taken aback with astonishment. That is because using traditional Korean age calculation, the age of Tree of Hyojeong matched True Mother’s age exactly. Indeed, this event can be considered a miraculous occurrence, making it hard not to see the tree as a symbol of True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter. On October 14, 2021, True Mother came to see the tree. On that day, she asked, “I was born in the first month of the lunar calendar. In which month were you born?” She then gave a prayer of blessing on the Tree of Hyojeong, saying, “Those who frequently come to the Tree of Hyojeong and offer jeongseong will experience good health.”

13Chinhwa Education Building A

True Parents' calligraphy ‘Chinhwa Education Building’, which is at the entrance of the 4th floor

14Chinhwa Education Building B

15Chinhwa Park

“This place is a pride to the world because it is a harmonious union between the lake, the mountain, and the field.” (True Parents’ Words)

Chinhwa Park Opening: True Mother’s Benediction Prayer

High and noble Heavenly Parent,
Beloved True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind
In this month of October which is a month of blessing, a month of liberty, and a sacred month of hope for the Unification movement; we, with all your children who placed their utmost effort, offer our gratitude for allowing us this precious moment to lay in front of Heaven the Chinhwa Park of this Cheongpyeong holy land.
To build this holy land, True Parents prepared this sacred place for 40years with blood, sweat, and tears solely for the future descendants
My loving True Father, Thank you.
Please bless this beautiful park to be a place where the heart of every member and every person who comes through here can become one with Heavenly Parent and True Parents and offer gratitude and praise to the Holy Spirit in front of God.
Please remember all those gathered here today and raise them as true filial and loyal sons and daughters of Heaven who can be outstanding future leaders.
Beloved Father, we long for you endlessly in this beautiful season. Please guide us as filial and loyal sons and daughters who can fulfill the responsibility of offering this nation and the world to you as proud children by completing our portion of responsibility.
Please look after all the rest of the ceremony and embrace the entire people in your love. We offer this park in gratitude to Heaven and I pray all this in the name of True Parents, Aju.

16Tree of Heart

[The Tree of Heart] The Tree of Heart reminds us of the mulberry tree that Zacchaeus climbed up to see Jesus (Luke 19:1-10), and this should remind us to take after Zacchaeus' heart in waiting for the Lord. Therefore, while praying at this tree we can inherit True Parents' heart.

17Water of Life Plaza

Ture Parents visiting to sample the Water of Life for the first time
The Tree of Heart (mulberry tree) joyfully welcomes the members who come here, and this plaza, which sprawls adjacent to the tree, leads to the Tree of Blessing (Korean pine tree). You can also enjoy a magnificent view of the Cheonshim Lake from this location. The Tree of All Things (chestnut tree) and the Tree of Loyalty (pine tree) here stand aligned in harmony, where the Azaleas fully bloom each spring together with the flowing Water of Life, with its remarkable healing powers.

18Tree of All Things

[The Tree of All Things] The Tree of All Things means prosperity. At this tree, we pray for the domination of all things. There are two kinds of prosperity, offspring and wealth. A family can pray for a child as well as for material blessings.

19Pond of Love

True Parents visited here on May 11, 2013, and as they were feeding the carp in the pond, commented: “Even when you are feeding fish, you must do it with love.” These words make us realize the value of the love that human beings should have toward all things. On April 27, 2015, they also toured the Holy Grounds and offered us these precious words: “Only when we are grateful for everything and feel sorry towards Heaven, will we prevent greed and open the way for Heaven to help us.”

20Tree of Loyalty

[The Tree of Loyalty] Just like the unwavering loyalty and prayer toward Heavenly Parent and True Parents, the Tree of Loyalty always stands firmly with green pines throughout the four seasons.

21Azalea Garden

On May 7, 2012 True Parents enjoyed a lovely time, holding one another’s hand while strolling among the azaleas; they also plucked an azalea blossom and affixed it to their lapel. They bestowed their blessings for all visitors to be able to live bright and beautiful lives, like the lovely azalea flowers

22Pathway to the Holy Ground

The rock to the immediate left marks the place where True Parents sat during their visitation on May 7, 2012 and, while they were enjoying the scenic Cheongpyeong Lake (Cheonshim Lake) and Seoninbong, said: “The view here is truly beautiful. Many people from around the world must come here and be moved by the experience of the love and Shimjeong (heart) of God.”

23Cheonseung Dae (Tree of Blessing)

From the 1970s True Parents often came to this place, Cheonseung Dae, offering sincere devotion and establishing the spiritual foundation for the universal providence. At each crucial moment in the providence, they came to the Hyojeong Cheonwon Holy Ground to offer sincere prayers and accumulate the foundations of victory. On January 4, 1996, they named the Korean pine tree standing nearest the lake, “Tree of Blessing,” and delivered a benediction asking Heaven to be with all those who prayed and offered since devotion here, thus enabling them to walk the right path of the Principle.