True Parents granted the grace of Hyojeong Offering Papers as well as separation of spirits and blessing of ancestors for the providence of spiritual and physical salvation.
True Parents visited the HJ Heaven and Earth CheonBo Training Center on July 28, 2004, and said “Our worldwide members should write Fulfillment of Wish Papers and hold Purification Festivals. Let them write the wishes of family members on Fulfillment of Wish Papers and set the spirit world in order.” Thanks to this providence of the Hyojeong Offering Papers introduced by True Parents, many family members could receive great blessings, and they continue to offer moving testimonies about their experiences. On April 9, 2005, True Parents bestowed the new title “Ceremony of Ascension and Harmony” instead of the previous “Purification Festival.”
The CheonBo Providence has been continuously developing through True Parents’ sincere devotion and victory. After going through the 1st level, the formation stage (1971-1995), and the 2nd level, the growth stage (1995-2014), the CheonBo Providence now has entered the completion stage; the era in which True Parents directly preside over the spirit world and physical world. Following this change in the providence,
True Parents changed the Prayer-Wish Purification Ceremony for Restoration to the Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration.

True Parents giving a message at the 2017 Hyojeong Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration (2017.5.7)
The Prayer-Wish Purification Ceremony for Restoration was a ceremony wherein the Hyojeong Offering Papers were placed in a chamber and burnt. This ceremony was conducted during the growth stage of the CheonBo Providence, from Jan. 19, 1995 to Oct. 27, 2014. However, on the victorious foundation of the 3rd Anniversary of True Father’s Universal Seonghwa, and in alignment with the age of the CheonBo Providence in which True Parents directly preside over the spirit world and physical world, we received great blessing in which our wishes were conveyed to Heaven through the Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration.

May 7, 2017, During the 2017 Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration, the International President Sun Jin Moon and her husband offered to Heaven the Hyojeong Offering Papers for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune which were melt with the water of life.
True Parents said, even though this external ceremony has changed, the practical value of the Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration is linked to the previous Holy Burning Ceremony, and still carries the same grace. The Hyojeong Offering Ceremony for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune continues every year in May, together with the Spring Hyojeong CheonBo Great Works for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune.

2017 Hyojeong Prayer-Wish Offering Ceremony for Restoration (2017.5.7)
In welcoming the completion period of the CheongBo Providence on May 14, 2018, True Parents changed the name of the Wish Papers from, “Hyojeong Fulfillment of Wish Papers” to “Hyojeong Offering Paper for the Inheritance of Heavenly Fortune.”
True Parents allowed us to newly use the Hyojeong Offering Paper especially produced with water soluble paper. It was used for the first time at the 2017 HyoJeong Azalea Festival (May 5-7).

Until now, the Hyojeong Offering Papers have produced miraculous testimonies from church members. We would like to share some of their recent testimonies.