Summer 2nd Gen Workshop! > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

Summer 2nd Gen Workshop!

페이지 정보

작성일2015-02-28 Hit17,423


“2015 Cheongpyeong 40-day Special Workshops for International Young People”

(The 197th Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop)


The workshop schedules for this summer enable our international young people of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification to attend the Cheongpyeong 40- and 21-day workshops during the summer holidays. The schedules are as listed below.


1. Schedule for the International University Students:


Time Period



5.19 ? 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar

July 4(Sat) ? August 12(Wed), 2015

- University, college or graduate students, who understand English

- Youth whose age are equivalent to university or graduate students (29 years old and below)


5.19 ? 6.9 by the Heavenly Calendar

July 4(Sat) ? July 24(Fri), 2015

6.8 ? 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar

July 23(Thurs) ? August 12(Wed), 2015

* If you cannot attend 40 days, it is possible to attend 21 days. But there will be abundant grace if you are able to attend the entire 40-day workshop.


2. Schedule for the International Teenagers:


Time Period



5.19 ? 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar

July 4(Sat) ? Aug 12(Wed), 2015

- Students in high school
-16~18 years of age or in grades 10-12, who understand English


21-day  5.19 ? 6.9 by the Heavenly Calendar

July 4(Sat) ? July 24(Fri), 2015

 - Students in junior high school
-12~15 years of age or in grades 6-9,
-Those high school students who cannot attend the full 40-day workshop, who understand English

6.8 ? 6.28 by the Heavenly Calendar

July 23(Thurs) ? Aug 12(Wed), 2015  

* It is recommended that those students in junior high school participate in the 21-day workshop, but if you strongly wish to attend the 40-day workshop, it is possible.


* If you complete two 21-day workshops (one this time and one before, or one this time and one at a later time), you can receive a 40-day workshop certificate at the end of your second 21-day workshop.


3. Hoondok Materials: 3-colored Exposition of the Divine Principle, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. (Please prepare before you come to Cheongpyeong)


4. Materials to Prepare


1) Holy Song book


2) Toiletries, underwear, and socks


3) White t-shirts, thin pants that will not generate dust during Chanyang Yeoksa sessions


4) Comfortable shoes and a shoe bag


5) A set of dress clothes for special occasions (ex.), Ahn Shi Il )


6) FM radio


7) Umbrella or raingear


8) Personal medication, medical insurance for traveling abroad, etc.


※Trainees will wear white t-shirts throughout the entire workshop.


※For more information, please refer to the Honor Code (attachment file).


5. Workshop Registration


1) For us to prepare well and make it a more effective and fruitful workshop, it is essential for us to know who will be coming. Please register for the workshop by the end of June.


2) How to register: Please visit Cheongpyeong Seonghwa website,  and follow the instructions. The registration period is June 1 ~ June 30, 2015.  


3) If you have any problems with registration, please send an email to .


6. Workshop Expenses

1) Registration Fee:


Registration fee


40 days


600,000won: workshop fee

200,000won: pilgrimage + other expenses

21 days


320,000won: workshop fee

200,000won: pilgrimage + other expenses

※There is a 60,000won/per person discount if 2 or more siblings come for 40 days, and a 32,000won/per person discount if 2 or more siblings come for 21 days.


2) Emergency medical expenses and other necessary expenses (Please refer to the Honor Code (attachment file)


3) The registration fee should be brought by the participant, and turned in at the time of registration in Cheongpyeong. If you think it will be a problem to bring the registration fee, please contact us at .  


4) We accept checks, cash, and traveler’s checks.


- Checks should be made out to HSA UWC CSC and $8 needs to be added for a processing fee. If the check is over $1000 (workshop expenses for 2 people), a $10 fee needs to be added. Traveler’s checks are the same as cash.


7. Important points to keep in mind


1) The 40-day workshop schedule will end around the noon of the last day.


2) Members must start the 40-day (21-day) Workshop within 7 days from the official workshop starting date. If they arrive late they must extend their participation in the workshop by the number of days they are late.


3) You may arrive 1 or 2 days early, but must stay until July 24 to complete the 1st 21-day workshop and until August 12 to complete the 40-day workshop or 2nd 21-day workshop.


4) Members who are psychologically, spiritually or behaviorally challenged must first consult with Mr. In Pyo Moon (82-31-589-7136). If permission is granted, he or she may register only if accompanied by a caregiver. (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted, or if a caregiver does not come, such an individual may be asked to return home.)


5) Even though you complete the workshop, if your attitude during participation does not meet the workshop standards, you may not be able to receive the graduation certificate. In this case, you can receive the certificate after participating satisfactorily in any other 40-day or 21-day workshop.


6) If you do not follow the workshop standards habitually and consistently, you may be asked to return home.    


7) Members coming to Korea from abroad must usually obtain a 90-day visa, before coming to the workshop. (Members in the USA and most of Europe do not need a VISA). The Training Center cannot acquire or extend visas for you. If your visa expires while you are in Korea, the immigration office will charge you a penalty and your name will likely be placed on a “black” list.  


8)  Medical Insurance for Traveling Abroad (Traveler’s Insurance)


① Even though you obtain medical insurance (traveler’s insurance), if you receive a medical treatment at the hospital you will be asked to pay the hospital fee first and you can receive reimbursement later. Please prepare extra cash for emergency medical expenses.


Please check details beforehand with the company whether it can be used in South Korea or not.


8. Further Inquiries

Telephone: 82-31-589-7137 (English, Spanish)

Fax: 82-31-584-4336
