April Schedule > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

April Schedule

페이지 정보

작성일2015-03-12 Hit15,446


  • All members from around the world can liberate al possible groups of ancestors at any of the 2-day Workshops held throughout the year. Please make a 21-day condition of devotion (breakfast fast or 50 bows for every 7 generations for each lineage) before coming to participate in an Ancestor Liberation Ceremony
  • True Parents held the commemorative event for the “53rd True Parents’ Day” (Cheon-gi 3rd year, March 1 by the heavenly calendar, solar calendar: March 22), addressed the following special instruction to all leaders and received in turn the pledge that all members would fulfill the instruction without fail, this being confirmed before 3 cheers of eog-manse.

    True Parents special instruction:
    “All blessed families from around the world should be sure to complete the ancestor liberation and ancestor blessing up to and including the 210th generation by 1.13, 2013 (solar: February 22, 2013), before celebrating the Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day.  After making the resolution that you will complete the ancestor liberation as far as the 210th generation, please offer the 3 cheers of eog-manse.” 
  • Ancestor Liberation Ceremonies and historical Ancestor Blessing Ceremonies for generations 1-210 began from October, 2011. Please make a 21-day condition of devotion (breakfast fast or 50 bows) regardless of the number of generations you are liberating in order to conduct the ancestor liberation.
  • During this time of the blessing of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, ancestor liberation ceremonies for the generations from 211 until 420 are being carried out (since October, 2011). Furthermore, the ancestor blessing ceremony for the next set of 7 generations is being conducted (since March, 2012). See below for further details.
  • Please note that this official memo is intended for those members living outside of Korea and Japan.


1. April Workshop Schedule


193rd: 3/28 (Sat) - 5/6 (Wed) [103rd Blessed Wives Workshop]


61st: 3/14 (Sat) - 4/3 (Fri)


42nd: 4/6 (Mon) - 4/13 (Mon)


4/4 (Sat) - 5 (Sun): Sunday - Tuesday Workshop, Registration Blessing Ceremony


4/10 (Fri) - 11 (Sat): Saturday-Sunday Workshop,


4/18 (Sat) - 19 (Sun): Friday - Saturday Workshop, Ancestor Blessing Ceremony, Spirit World and Physical World Blessing Ceremony


4/24 (Fri) - 25 (Sat): Saturday-Sunday Workshop


*The opening ceremony for the workshops will begin at 6:50 p.m.


 2. Ancestor Liberation Ceremony (Generations 1-210)


    1) To liberate any Second or Third Generation who has passed away, whether blessed or unblessed, please prepare the liberation donation in accordance with the collateral liberation standard.


    2) All members from around the world can liberate all possible groups of ancestors until 210 generations at any of the 2-day workshops. However, the 25,000 won registration fee is required for each 7-generation group of Father’s side/Mother’s side ancestors and GMF/GMM. (This is the condition for 2-day workshop participation.)


    3) If your grandmother, grandfather, or parent, who is included in generations 1~7 passes away after the ancestor liberation for generations 1-7, they are considered as a “Person who passes away after liberation.” You must register after writing the name and the relationship with you, and offer a donation of gratitude if you are a direct descendant; otherwise, you must liberate them as collateral, with a full donation.


    (It is also possible to liberate just by sending the application form and the donation to Cheongpyeong Link)


    4) The donation for the collateral liberation varies with the nationality of the spirit to be liberated. Please refer to the attachment file for the group standard.


    5) When you apply for the collateral liberation, please fill in the maraital status of the spirit (married/unmarried).


    6) There is no need to register the collaterals for an Ancestor Blessing Ceremony if they were married. They will receive the blessing automatically when you bless your ancestors at the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony. But, for those spirits who were liberated through a collateral liberation, as unmarried 1st generation, you need to apply for their blessing when there is a “Blessing Ceremony for the Spirits of Unmarried 1st Generation Members.”  (The schedule will be announced separately).


    7) When you attend an ancestor liberation ceremony as a representative for someone else, a registration fee for yourself, and for the person whom you are representing, is required.


    8) You can participate in the ancestor blessing ceremony after a 100 day period of time has passed, after having attended the ancestor liberation ceremony.


3. Ancestor Blessing Ceremony (Generations 1 -210) Schedule Information


1. Schedule

4/18 (Sat) ? 19 (Sun)

2. Eligible Participants

1) Members for whom 100 days have passed since generations 1-7 on the F, M, GMF and GMM were liberated and the full liberation donations were offered.
2) Members for whom 100 days have passed since generations 8-210 on the F, M, GMF and GMM were liberated and the full liberation donations were offered.

3. Materials to Prepare

Holy robes (including white socks, white gloves, etc.), blessing ring (you may use your personal ring), ancestor blessing donation MORE

4. Points to Consider

1) As much as possible, the individual who liberated a particular 7 generation set of ancestors should also participate in the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony to bless those generations


    1) Ancestor Blessing Ceremonies for generations 1-210 began from October, 2011 and will be held once a month. Those ancestors, who have passed 100 days from the day when they were liberated, and for which the liberation donation has been fully offered, can receive the ancestor blessing. There is an ancestor blessing ceremony on the third weekend of every month, and when their descendants attend an Ancestor Blessing Ceremony, they can receive the ancestor blessing (Schedule is subject to change).


    2) Starting from July, 2002 ancestors who have become Absolute Good Spirits through the blessing come to separate spirits from their descendants during the Chanyang Yeoksa of the Ancestor Liberation Ceremonies. (Angels work with members who have not blessed their ancestors.)


    3) Ancestors who became Absolute Good Spirits will be sent to their home automatically by Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim 40 days after the ancestor blessing ceremony. It is appropriate to conduct a simple welcome home service.


    4) When you attend the ancestor blessing ceremony, please prepare holy robes and blessing ring.


    5) The donation amount of the Ancestor Blessing for generation 1-7 is set according to national group (as of August 2003). This is offered once for the F and includes all four lineages (F, M, GMF, and GMM). However, if the four lineages are blessed at separate times, a blessing donation of gratitude (same amount offered for generations 8 and above) is made each time you register. It is possible to offer the blessing donation in installments, and to begin blessing generations 8 and above before full payment is completed.


    6) The Blessing donation of gratitude for generations 8 and above is offered per group of 7 generations. It includes all four lineages (F, M, GMF, GMM) if you are blessing them all at once, and is offered again each time you register to bless lineages in a particular generational group.


4. Sending Donations to Cheongpyeong


Whenever you send money to Cheongpyeong, please make sure to send the following information, or we will not be able to confirm your donation.


  • Back Payment for Ancestor Liberation: Back Payment Form B (Download) or equivalent information

Workshop Fees or Petty Expenses

a. Name of the remitter

b. Blessing group, Date of Birth

c. Purpose: (e.g. liberation back payment for 192nd Jon and N Smith)

d. E-mail address

e. Telephone number, Fax number

f. Country

g. Amount of money being sent

h. Date you made the remittance


 1) Sending Donations by Check or International Money Order


IMPORTANT  Please note that there is an US$8 processing fee for checks (money orders) under US$1000 and a US$10 fee for checks (money orders) US$1000 and over.


Make check payable to


Address for Cheongpyeong Training Center 

Gyeonggi-do, Gapyeong-gun

Seorak-myeon, Songsan-ri, 432-1

Postal Code: 477-855,  South Korea

* In the envelope with the check, please make sure you include the information mentioned above. DO NOT send the information beforehand by e-mail or fax.


2) Sending Donations by Bank Wire

IMPORTANT  The banks charge a processing fee on both sides of the transfer when sending donations by wire. Please add an extra US $25~$35 to the donation you are sending to cover the fee in Korea, or please tell your bank to charge you the fees necessary for Woori Bank to receive the amount of money you want to send. For more details, please inquire at your bank. Every bank is different.


A. Sending Ancestor Liberation Donation by Bank Wire  


Name of Bank

Woori Bank 240158

Swift Code      



Kwanghwamun Branch in Seoul

Account Number

015- 029661- 41- 001



* After sending the payment, please fill out and fax or e-mail Back Payment Form B or send equivalent information.


B. Sending Workshop Fees or Petty Expenses by Bank Wire


Name of Bank

Woori Bank 240158

Swift Code      



Kwanghwamun Branch in Seoul (Gapyeong, Cheongshim Hospital Office)

Account Number



Kim Jin Cheol

* After sending the payment, please fax or e-mail the information mentioned above.


5. Group Donation

There are separate nation standards for Ancestor Liberation Ceremony and the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony for each country. If you are not sure which group you belong to please check your donation standard. Please click the attachment file above.


6. Members coming to Korea from abroad must be sure to purchase traveler's insurance. Before you make insurance, please consult with the Insurance Company if it can be used in South Korea. Please contact the Patient Affairs Department of Cheongshim International Medical Center (+82-31-589-4641) for more information.


7. Ancestor Liberation and Blessing Ceremony for generations after 210


1) Any member who completed the F’s side, M’s side, GMF’s side or GMM’s side (any one of the four) ancestor blessing ceremony up to and including the 210th generation, will receive the grace from Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim of the liberation of their ancestors from the 211th and continuing until the 420th generation. (There is no required liberation donation for this grace. If you conduct the ancestor blessing ceremony for generations 204-210, Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim will do the ancestor liberation ceremony for the next 7 generations, 211-217. If you conduct the ancestor blessing ceremony for generations 211-217 like this manner, the registration of the ancestor liberation ceremony for the next generations, 218-224, will be done automatically.) From February until June 2015, the ancestor liberation ceremony for generations 267-273 will be conducted. (There is no “Additional Liberation Ceremony” in the ancestor liberation ceremonies for generations after the 210th generation.)


2) From February until June 2015, the ancestor blessing ceremony for generations 260-266 are being conducted for 5 months. Eligible participants are all those members whose ancestors have been liberated, and for which 100 days have passed.


3) Other preparations for the ancestor blessing ceremony are the same as with the ancestor blessing ceremony for generations 1-210. (A fee for the ancestor liberation ceremony is not required after the 210th generation. However, a fee for the ancestor blessing ceremony is still required. Please refer to the Attachment File, “Group Standard”).


8.  Medical Insurance for Traveling Abroad (Traveler’s Insurance)


1) Even if you obtain traveler’s insurance, you will be asked to pay the hospital fee first, and then get reimbursed later. Please prepare extra cash for emergency medical expenses.


2) Please check all details with the company as to whether or not it can be used in South Korea.


9. Further inquiries:

Telephone: English: +82-31-589-7137

                   Korean: +82-31-589-7130

                   Fax: +82-31-584-4336

Email: cpintl2013@gmail.com (International Office)