Information concerning the Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony > Notice

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Information concerning the Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony

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작성일2016-03-23 Hit10,492


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Information concerning the ‘Special 8-day Workshop for Worldwide Registered Blessed Husbands’, ‘21-day Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives’ and the ‘Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony’


The ‘Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony’ (Registration Blessing Ceremony) was held after True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind instructions from August 2000. The schedule for the Registration Blessing Ceremony has been temporarily extended until further notice because of the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony which is held every year commemorating the Foundation Day.

However, the ‘21-day Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives’ (Registration 21-day Workshop) and the ‘Special 8-day Workshop for Worldwide Registered Blessed Husbands’ (8-day Workshop) will change its education focusing on the contents of ‘Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day Registration Blessing Ceremony’ as well as the ‘Cheon Il Guk Foundation Day Holy Wine Ceremony’.

Please note that this official memo is intended for members living outside of Korea and Japan.


1. Schedule (Solar Calendar)

  Date Change
Registration 21-day Workshop 63rd: 3/12 (Sat) ~ 4/1 (Fri)
64th: 9/10 (Sat) ~ 9/30 (Fri)
No change
8-day Workshop 44th: 4/4 (Mon) ~ 4/11 (Mon)
45th: 10/3 (Mon) ~ 10/10 (Mon)
No change
Registration Blessing Ceremony 63rd 4/1 (Fri) ~ 4/3 (Sun)
64th 9/30 (Fri) ~ 10/2 (Sun)
Temporarily Extended


2. 21-day Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives


1) Schedule: Please refer to the box above


2) Eligible Participants:

① Blessed wives who have not participated yet in the Registration Workshop for Blessed wives

② Blessed wives of the Spirit World and Physical World Blessed Family

* However, if you are an old or feeble person, your daughter, daughter-in-law or spiritual daughter can represent you.


3) Workshop fee: $1,000.US


3. Special 8-day Workshop for Worldwide Registered Blessed Husbands


1) Schedule: Please refer to the schedule above in the box.


2) Eligible Participants: Blessed Husbands who have not participated yet in the Registration Workshop for Blessed Husbands


3) Workshop fee: $500 US (You may pay the fee in Won, but it is preferred that it be paid in US $)


4. Hoondok Materials: Exposition of the Divine Principle (3-colored version), As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen (Father’s Autobiography)


5. Location: Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center


6. Materials to Prepare: A set of dress clothes, White t-shirts, toiletries, FM radio, umbrella and rain gear, personal medication, medical insurance certificate, etc. .


7. Points to Consider:

① Children are not permitted to attend this workshop. Please do not bring them along. (If the situation is difficult and you want to bring your child, first contact the International office.)


② Members who are psychologically or spiritually challenged must first consult with Lecturer Moon (+82-31-589-7136). If permission is granted, he or she may only register if accompanied by a caregiver. (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted, or if a caregiver does not come, such members may be asked to return home.)


③ Pregnant sisters are encouraged to attend during the 5th to 6th months of pregnancy for safety reasons. (There is concern that coming too early or too late may increase the chance of a miscarriage or premature delivery.)


④ A caretaker must accompany those who are weak from sickness or age.


8. Medical Insurance for Traveling Abroad (Traveler’s Insurance)


1) Even if you obtain traveler’s insurance, you will be asked to pay the hospital fee first, and receive reimbursement later. Please prepare extra cash for emergency medical expenses.


2) Please check all details with the company as to whether or not it can be used in South Korea.


9. Further inquiries: Telephone:

English: +82-31-589-7137

Korean: +82-31-589-7130

Fax: +82-31-584-4336 Email: (International Office)