196th & 105th 40-day Workshop > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

196th & 105th 40-day Workshop

페이지 정보

작성일2015-05-23 Hit11,070


102nd Special 40-Day Workshop for Blessed Wives

105th Special 40-Day Workshop for Blessed Wives

196th Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop


The Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop, as an important workshop for inheriting True Parents’ victorious realm and completing the three great blessings, was started from March 12, 1996 in accordance with True Parents’ words, and now the 195th Cheongpyeong 40-day workshop is being held on the foundation of much grace. Especially in 2015, as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Cheongpyeong Works, the Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop will be held for double-checking one's faith, new start and to solve individual and family problems and to accomplish a greater wish in the new midst of a great heavenly fortune and grace.


Regarding the Cheongpyeong 40-Day Special Workshop for Blessed Wives, True Father said; 'There is no way to resolve all the wrong things that you have done after receiving the Blessing without reporting them. Because of that if you report all the things during the 40-day period, then Heavenly Father, recording it thoroughly, will solve the contents one by one. Without doing this, you will never be able to resolve it.Father spoke of the significance of the Cheongpyeong 40-Day Special Workshop for Blessed Wives saying that it is a period in which God remembers the details of the lives of the members of each blessed family, as well as an opportunity to engraft each blessed family to Heavenly Fortune.


The 105th Cheongpyeong 40-day Special Workshop for Blessed Wives and the 196th 40-day Workshop are thus being held simultaneously, as noted below. Please notify all members of this workshop, so that many members can receive grace through participation.


Please note that this information is inteded for members living outside of Korea and Japan


1. Schedule for the 105th 40-Day Special Workshop for Blessed Wives and the 196th Cheongpyeong 40-Day Workshop

Time Period


June 20 (Sat) - July 29 (Wed), 2015

Blessed wives who have not participated yet and Other members

* Members who want to attend the general 40-day workshop can come during these same time periods.


*If a Blessed wife has passed away, her husband, physical child, or spiritual child can participate in the 40-Day Special Workshop for Blessed Wives as her representative.


2. Hoondok Materials: 3-colored Exposition of the Divine Principle, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen (Please prepare before you come to Cheongpyeong)


3. Materials to Prepare: Holy Song book, white t-shirts (three or more), thin pants for Chanyang Yeoksa Sessions(Holy Song Sessions), toiletries, sports wear (for holy ground prayer and dedication time) comfortable shoes, shoe bag, personal medication, umbrella and raingear, a set of dress clothes, Holy Robes and Blessing Ring (for those who will participate in the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony), traveler's insurance (see the below for  further details), FM radio, and some warm clothing. During the 40-day Workshop, the use of a cellular phone and MP3 player, tablet PCs and etc (other electronic equipment) are not allowed.


4. Workshop Fee: 600,000 won



**We strongly recommend you to bring Korean Won or US dollars. Please exchange your currency at the airport before coming to Cheongpyeong.


    **If you are bringing a check, please check the workshop fee just before you leave for Cheongpyeong.


5. Main Program: (Blessed Wives 40-Day Workshop Schedule is similar)





Wake Up

Wake Up and Wash

06:00 - 06:30


Pledge and Hoondokhae

06:30 - 07:30


Cleaning, and Breakfast

 07:45 - 09:10


Removal of evil spirits, fallen nature and sins, promotion of health

9:40 - 12:00

Lecture/Divine Principle Reading

-True Parent's Words (video)-

-Divine Principle Lecture
(Part 1, 2), Church Historyt-

-Special Lecture-
Chanyang Session, Life of Tradition
Original Palace
Life of Faith
Unification Thought-

Prayer at  Dae Mo Nim’s Prayer Room, Health Examination, Sunday Service

12:30 - 14:30

Lunch, Self-Reflection, Holy Ground

14:40 - 18:00

Special Activities

-Film Shimjung Training

Cheon Jeong Gung Museum Pilgrimage


Sports Day, Birthday party

18:00 - 19:00


19:15 - 20:40


Removal of evil spirits, fallen nature and sins, promotion of health

21:10 - 21:50


Father's Autobiography

Chart Lecture (only for blessed wives)

22:00 - 22:15 

Night time prayer

Jeongshim Won (Prayer Hall) prayer

22:30 - 05:30


*Schedule is tentative


6. Points to Consider:


    1) Please register at the International Office by 6 p.m. on the starting day of the workshop (February 14, Saturday).


    2) Parents may not bring young children (elementary school age and below) with them to attend the 40-day Workshop. However, if it is the case that the children in 5th grade or above accompanied by a parent, you may do registration after consulting with the International Office.


    3) Please prepare thin pants that will not release lint and dust during Chanyang Yeoksa Sessions.


    4) Members who are psychologically or spiritually challenged must first either consult with the psychiatric department of the CheongShim International Medical Center, or consult with Mr. Moon (+82-31-589-7136). If permission is granted, he or she may register only if accompanied by a caregiver. (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted, or if a caregiver does not come, the member may be asked to return home.)


    5)  Medical Insurance for Traveling Abroad (Traveler’s Insurance)


    It is strongly recommended to have a traveler's Insurance when you come to Cheongpyeong for a 40-day Workshop.


    ② Even if you obtain a traveler’s insurance, you will be asked to pay the hospital fee first, and then get reimbursed later. Please prepare extra cash for emergency medical expenses.


    Please check all details with the company as to whether or not it can be used in South Korea.


    6) Members coming to Korea from abroad must obtain a 90-day visa, before coming to the workshop. The Training Center cannot acquire or extend visas for you. If your visa expires while you are in Korea, the immigration office will charge you a penalty of $100 US per month and your name will be placed on a list.


    7) In order to protect Cheongpyeong Lake from pollution, and for the protection of the environment, the use of any shampoo, rinse and body shampoo is strongly discouraged, except for soaps and, for laundry time, the liquid detergent selling at the training center is strongly encouraged.


    8) Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center is the holy ground where many members from around the world attend workshops together. You will be asked to leave the training center if you behave against the rules such as drinking, smoking, going out without permission, etc.


7. Information concerning those pregnant sisters who are attending 40-day workshops



    1) Qualifications to be admitted as pregnant sister: Pregnant sister who enter their stable period (5 months after the pregnancy), and complete their workshop within the periods noted.


    ① Members living in Korea: Pregnant sisters who complete their workshop 15 days before their due date.


    ② Members from overseas: Pregnant sisters who complete their workshop before 31 weeks of pregnancy (You are allowed to board a flight until 31 weeks of pregnancy. You will need a medical document issued by a doctor if you are between 32 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, and it will be impossible to board a plane after 38 weeks of pregnancy. However, if you intend to give birth in Korea, then you can be admitted under the standard of Members living in Korea category).


    2) Grace of receiving a name for your child from Dae Mo Nim


    ① If you gave birth at the CheongShim International Medical Center, Dae Mo Nim has so far been giving a name for your child. However, from now on, there will be the grace of receiving a name for your child from Dae Mo Nim if you send a naming application form to the Training Center after the birth of your child, after attending a 40-day Workshop as a Pregnant Sister.


    ② The application form will be given to the pregnant sisters individually while they are attending the 40-day workshop, and further contents regarding this will be announced during the workshop.


8. The 197th Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop and the 106th 40-day Workshop for Blessed wives will be held 6. 17 – 7. 26 by the Heavenly Calendar, 3rd Year of Cheon Il Guk (August 1 – September 9, 2015).


9. Further inquiries

Telephone: English: +82-31-589-7137 or 7053

      Korean: +82-31-589-7130

cpintl2013@gmail.com  (International Office)