Changed Schedule 2nd Generation Summer Workshop > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

Changed Schedule 2nd Generation Summer Workshop

페이지 정보

작성일2008-03-06 Hit51,455


[Updated: July 10, 2008]

True Father has emphasized the following in regard to the importance of the Cheongpyeong 40-day workshops for the 2nd Generation: “So far, the Unification Church with its physical foundation has been cleansing the fallen world. Thus, there needs to be a movement to connect this physical foundation with a spiritual foundation. However, this movement does not come about through human power. You have to understand that this movement is a worldwide movement centered on Cheongpyeong. Everything that has been polluted through Satan’s blood lineage has to be cleansed here. The standard of being able to receive assistance from the angelic world has to be linked to the 2nd Generation first. (February 2, 1998, True Parents’ Birthday Pledge Service, Hannam-dong Residence)


In this Ssang Hab Jubilee Years of the 7th & 8th, the year of great fortune with heavenly fortune, God gave words that let members resolve their difficult problems within this year. So Heung Jin Nim, Dae Mo Nim and other True Children in the spiritual world had a meeting and decided to have a special great works of removing evil spirits during the 900th Cheongpyeong special workshop period (August 14th ~ 17th, 2008).


The workshop schedule has been rearranged according to the newly changed schedule so that international second generation members (all second generation members living outside of Korean and Japan) can receive a lot of grace.


Please make this changed schedule known so that many second generation members can participate together this summer. The schedule is as follows.


1. Changed Schedule for the 2008 Summer Cheongpyeong  Workshops for International 2nd Generation



Time Period




July 2 - Aug. 10

International 2nd Generation members who speak English, between 16 - 18 years of age or between 10th - 12th grade

July 9 - Aug. 17



July 2 - July 22

Those members that cannot attend full 40-day workshop

July 9 - July 29


July 21 - Aug. 10

Between 12 - 15 years of age or Between 6th -  9th grades

July 28 - Aug 17


*If it is so difficult to change your schedule due to your flight ticket, you can also participate in the workshop from July 2. But if it is possible, extend your staying period until August 17 so that you can receive lots of grace.


*The 21-day workshop that will be held July 9 - July 29 is for those 2nd Generation members who are not able to fully participate the 40-day workshop.


*The 21-day workshop that will be held July 28 - August 17 is for junior high school students between 6th - 9th grade or between 12 - 15 years of age.


*The schedules for 21-day workshops’ participants are the same as the 40-day workshop’s.


*If any 2nd Generation member completes a 21-day workshop two times (this time and one other time), that can be considered as their full attendance of one 40-day workshop.


*If you would like to change your workshop from 21-day to 40-day, please first contact with the office (Contact information: Refer to #7).


2. Hoondok Materials: 3-colored Exposition of the Divine Principle, Pyeong Hwa Hun Kyeong, Holy Song book, the Way for a True Child


3. Materials to Prepare


1) Toiletries, underwear, and socks; a requirement to enter any hall of the training center


2) White t-shirts (at least 7), thin pants that do not release dust for holy song sessions


3) Comfortable shoes; trainees will go up to the holy ground every day, a shoe bag


4) A set of dress clothes for the special occasions (ex. Ahn Shi Il)


5) Holy robes and blessing ring (for those who will participate in the ancestor blessing ceremony)


6) Umbrella or raincoat


7) One photo (3x4 cm) (for those who did not attach to your registration form)


8) Personal medication, Traveler’s insurance, FM radio, etc.


※Trainees will wear white t-shirts throughout the whole workshop. T-shirts of other colors are not permitted.


4. Workshop Registration Form and Honor Code


  The registration form and Honor Code should be sent by the end of June 2008.

 Please email attachment files ‘2008 2nd Gen 21, 40-day Workshop Registration Form’ (Attachment #1) and ‘Honor Code’ (Attachment #2) to the Cheongpyeong International Office by the end of May, 2008, after filling it out. (Please download the files from the top of this page) If you have any problem in sending the e-mail, please send in by fax.


Fax: 82-31-584-4336


5. Workshop Fee: (Exchange rate fluctuates, so please check the fee constantly)


40-day Workshop

600,000 Won (approximately $632)

21-day Workshop

320,000 Won (approximately $337)

(Updated: July 10, 2008)


1) Please DO NOT send the workshop fee in advance. The workshop fee should be brought by your child, and turned in at the time of registration in Cheongpyeong. If you think it will be a problem for your child to bring the workshop fee, please contact +82-31-589-7179.


2) We accept checks, cash, and travelers checks.


**Checks should be made out to HSA UWC CSC and $8 needs to be added for processing fee ($608, $328). If the check is over $1000 (workshop fee for 2 people), a $10 fee needs to be added. Travelers check is the same as cash.



THOSE parents, who are sending their child with checks, please check the exact workshop fee JUST BEFORE you send your child to Cheongpyeong. DUE to rapidly changing exchange rate, the workshop fee, when paid in US$, changes dramatically.


6. Points to keep in mind:


1) Members must start the 40-day (21-day) Workshop within 3 days from the official workshop starting date. If they arrive late they must extend the workshop the number of days they are late. They may arrive early but must stay until July 29 to complete the 1st 21 day workshop and August 17 to complete the 40 day workshop or 2nd 21 day workshop.


2) If you start your workshop on July 2, you can complete your workshop by participating 40 days or 21 days from July 2.


3) If you are a 19-year-old high school student, you can also join in the 2nd generation workshop.


4) If you, as a high school graduate or college student, would like to join in the 2nd generation workshop, you can also participate as a group leader or an assistant group leader after making workshop fee. So please contact training center first. The role as a group leader and an assistant group leader is different from that of staff for the workshop.


5) The official workshop schedule ends at the afternoon of the 21st/40th day. Please do not reserve plane tickets that leave the training center before this time (Ex. For 40 day members, please reserve flights leaving after August 17th).


6) Members who are psychologically or spiritually challenged must first consult with the International Office. If permission is granted, he or she may register only if accompanied by a caregiver. (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted, or if a caregiver does not come, such members may be asked to return home.)


7) International 2nd Generation members (2nd Generation members living outside of Korean and Japan) age 16 and above can participate in the Ancestor Liberation Ceremony and  Ancestor Blessing Ceremony to liberate 4 ancestral lines: father’s side and grandmother on father’s side (which coincides with your own father’s father side and and your own father’s mother side) as well as mother’s side and grandmother on mother’s side (which coincides with your own mother’s father side and and your own mother’s mother side).



Your Father

Your Mother

F (Father's Side)



M (Mother's Side)



GMF (Grandmother on father's side)



GMM (Grandmother on mother's side)





8) As of the 71st workshop, 40-day workshop participants who register for the Ancestor Liberation Ceremony are also required to pay the 2-day workshop registration fee of 25,000 won per group of 7 generations. (However, the registration fee for the Ancestor Blessing Ceremony is 25,000 won regardless of the number of generations.)


9) Members coming to Korea from abroad must get a C•3 visa (90 days), or secure their visa situations as otherwise applicable, before coming to the workshop. The training center cannot acquire or extend visas for you. If your visa expires, the immigration office will charge you a penalty of $100 US per day, and you will be placed on a black list.


10)Members coming to Korea from abroad must be sure to purchase traveler’s insurance (CIGNA, BUPA, AXA, Blue Cross & Blue Shield). Before you make insurance, please consult with the insurance company if it can be used in South Korea (For more information: contact Cheongshim International Hospital at +82-31-589-4641).


11) Please do not bring personal music (tapes, CDs, MP3s, etc.), games and magazines to use during the time period of the workshop.


12) Please put on proper clothes (shorts, sleeveless tops and slippers are not allowed) for the workshop.


13) Please keep your hair neat and refrain from wearing accessories.


14) Petty cash will be needed for laundry, sauna (showers are free of charge) and to buy daily necessities at the store.


15) Even though you finish your workshop, if participation attitudes do not meet the workshop standards, you cannot receive the graduation certificate.


16) If you do not follow the workshop standards habitually and consistently, you may be asked to go home.    


17) Other unmentioned points will be applied to you by the rules of the Training Center.


7. Further Inquiries:

Telephone: 82-31-589-7179 (English, Japanese)

Fax: 82-31-584-4336
