42nd 21-day Registration Workshop > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

42nd 21-day Registration Workshop

페이지 정보

작성일2008-09-24 Hit9,906


42nd 21-Day Registration Workshop for
Blessed Wives


 1) Schedule:


42nd: November 15 (Sat. 6 p.m.) - December 5 (Fri, noon), 2008


*You can register before November 23; however, you must participate for 21-days.

*If you are able to register before November 22 you are eligible to attend the 42nd Registration Blessing Ceremony, even though you are short of the 21-days requirement. However, you must extend your stay for 3 days (the 3 days of the Registration Blessing Workshop)


2) Eligible Participants:

(1) Blessed wives who have not participated yet in the Registration Workshop for Blessed wives


(2) Blessed Family members of the Spirit World and Physical World Blesing


3) Location: Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center


4) Workshop fee: $1,000 U.S


5) Hoondok Materials: Exposition of the Divine Principle (3-colored version), Divine Principle summary chart lecture manual 1, Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom 1, Pyeong Hwa Hoon Gyeong (available at the Store)


6) Materials to Prepare: dress clothes, white t-shirts, raincoat, toiletries, personal medication, donation of gratitude, FM radio, thin pants for Holy Song Sessions


7) Points to Consider:


-         Children are not permitted to attend this workshop. (If the situation is difficult and you want to bring your child, first contact the international office)


-         Members who are psychologically or spiritually challenged must first consult with Rev. Kim (+82-31-589-7188). If permission is granted, he or she may only register if accompanied by a caregiver. (Please keep in mind that if permission is not granted, or if a caregiver does not come, such members may be asked to return home.)


-         Please refrain from attending the workshop if in the early stages of pregnancy. (up to the third month)


-         A caretaker must accompany those who are weak due to sickness or age.


-Members coming to Korea from abroad must be sure to purchase traveler’s insurance (AXA, BUPA, CIGNA, Blue Cross and Blue Shield). Before you make insurance, please consult with the Insurance Company if it can be used in South Korea. Please contact the Patient Affairs Department of Cheongshim International Hospital, (+82-31-589-4641) for more Information.


 *Through the special grace of True Parents, all participants of the 21-day Registration Workshop may liberate ancestors up to the current group during their workshop time period. Those who would like to liberate any set of ancestors up to the current generation group must be sure to prepare the workshop fee (25,000 won per set of seven generations) and the ancestor liberation donations in advance.


 8) Further inquiries:

Telephone: English: +82-31-589-7179 or 7188

                   Korean: +82-31-589-7130

                   Japanese: +82-31-589-7179

                   Chinese: +82-31-589-7131


Fax: +82-31-585-0886


Email: treeofblessing@hotmail.com (International Office)