Spirit World and Physical World Matching Workshop > Notice

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Workshop Schedule

Spirit World and Physical World Matching Workshop

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작성일2012-02-05 Hit10,425


Spirit World and Physical World Matching Workshops


1.  Date:

1st: March 9 (Fri) – 10 (Sat), 2012


2nd: March 23 (Fri) – 24 (Sat), 2012


3rd: July 13 (Fri) – 14 (Sat), 2012


4th: July 27 (Fri) – 28 (Sat), 2012


5th: November 9 (Fri) – 10 (Sat), 2012


6th: December 7 (Fri) – 8 (Sat), 2012

        *There is a meeting on Saturday around noon so please arrange your flight to be on Sunday.


2. Eligible Participants for the Spirit World and Physical World Matching Workshops


1) Members who have attended the Single Blessing Ceremony (including the satellite broadcast), but have not yet received the Spirit World and Physical World Blessing Ceremony.


2) Among those members who are 48 years old and above, and have drunk the Holy Wine


a) Those who have received the benediction from a church leader.

(Those Reserved Blessing members also must receive a benediction from a church leader)


b) Those members who can follow the 3-Day Ceremony and basic life of faith (Life of participation at worship services, and prayer life etc) after receiving the Spirit World and Physical World Blessing. (In terms of the standard of faith to be followed, by the decision of your church leader.)


3) Eligible Participants of the Workshop for Previously Married Couples Who Received the Blessing, but Whose Spouse Has Gone to the Spirit World

a)  Previously Married Couples who received the blessing, but whose spouse went to the spirit world before the 3-Day Ceremony.


3. Workshop Fee

1) Liberation donation will differ according to your national group.

2) The workshop fee will be 25,000 won; however, there will be an additional cost for those who are representing others.


4. Things to Prepare

-The photograph of the person you are representing: This is needed only if you are participating as a representative; there is no need for a photograph of a deceased spouse.

 (The photograph must be of large size, and clear to the eye. If you do not have a photograph, then you cannot participate in the Matching Ceremony)

-Donation of Gratitude, FM radio, White-Tee-shirt

-Any other personal items, such as medication and/or toiletries

-Medical Insurance is needed. See below for more information on insurance.


5. Further Notice

1)  If circumstances prevent the person needing to attend the workshop from actually participating, a representative (direct descendants, or spiritual parent or child, or church leader) can attend in his or her behalf together with the photograph of the earthly person.


2) A representative can be representing only one person.


3) A representative can liberate his or her own ancestors.


4) Those who have attended the Spirit World and Physical World Matching Workshop: after your participation in the Spirit World and Physical World Blessing, you can start your family by attending the Workshop for Starting Family Life as a Spirit World and Physical World Blessed Family. This will be held 40 days after the day of the Spirit World and Physical World Blessing.


6. Members coming to Korea from abroad must be sure to purchase traveler’s insurance. Before you obtain such insurance, please consult with the Insurance Company to ensure that it can be used in South Korea.


Please contact the Patient Affairs Department of CheongShim International Medical Center, (+82-31-589-4641) for more Information.


7. Further inquiries:


Telephone:  English: +82-31-589-7079 or 7179

            Korean: +82-31-589-7130

Chinese: +82-31-589-7131


Fax: +82-31-584-4336

Email: treeofblessing@gmail.com (International Office)