2009 Year Schedule
페이지 정보
작성일2009-01-13 Hit22,202관련링크
(Updated: 12/3)
The Schedule for 2009 at Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center has been decided. There are times, however, that the schedule might change, therefore, please check the Official Notice or the Cheongpyeong homepage regulary for detailed and up-to-date information. .
At Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center, we will do our best so that members could inherit the Heavenly Fortune from True Parents, Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim. There will be workshops and events that are scheduled to be held in Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center, so we hope that many of you could attend the Cheongpyeong Workshops and inherit much Heavenly Fortune.
Please note that this official memo is intended for members living outside of Korea and Japan.
1. Schedule for Ancestor Liberation Ceremony and Ancestor Blessing Ceremony
(Ancestor Liberation Ceremony: ALC, Ancestor Blessing Ceremony: ABC)
Period |
Generations |
1 |
September 2009 ~ January 2010 |
ALC: 176 ~ 182 / ABC: 169 ~ 175 |
* The more number of Absolute Good Spirits we have, the more Heavenly Fortune we can inherit, furthermore, they will protect us from evil and Satan. (Dae Mo Nim’s Words)
* The Ancestor Blessing Ceremony will be held on the 3rd week of every month, during the Saturday-Sunday Workshop. However, only in May it will be held during the 1st week.
2. Schedule for the Cheongpyeong 2-day Workshop
W/M |
Dec |
1st week |
5–6 |
2nd week |
11–12 |
3rd week |
19–20 |
4th week |
25–26 |
5th week |
Generation |
176 ~ 182 |
* It’s ideal to come and attend the 2-day workshop once a month to liberate the content related to your liberated ancestors. It’s also ideal to liberate and come with your family members. This is because each member of the family has different contents inherited by their ancestors.
ABC – Ancestor Blessing Ceremony
S&P M – Spiritual World and Physical World Matching Ceremony
B1 - Blessing Ceremony for Spirits of Unmarried 1st Generations
3. Schedule for Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop (General and Blessed Wives)
* Through the member who attended the Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop, Heavenly Fortune can be linked to the church and businesses.
G – General Cheongpyeong 40-day Workshop
B – Cheongpyeong Special 40-day Workshop for Blessed Wives
4. Schedule for Special Great Works and Other Workshops
21-day Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives [Registration Blessing Ceremony (RBC)] |
45th: 11/14 (Sat) ~ 12/4 (Fri) RBC: [12/4 ~ 12/6] “Even though you have attended the holy wine ceremony of the New Beginning Workshop and Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine Ceremony, you must attend the Registration Workshop for Blessed Wives and the Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony, (Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim’s Words) |
*Above information is a plan for the future. There might be changes so please check the actual page
5. Further inquiries:
Telephone: English: +82-31-589-7179 or 7188
Korean: +82-31-589-7130
Chinese: +82-31-589-7131
Fax: +82-31-585-0886
Email: treeofblessing@hotmail.com